Shoulder Prep

Explore how it feels to move your shoulder and arm bones. How do your muscles respond? Do you feel tension? Try to observe your body’s reaction with kindness and patience.

Arm Circles

Try circling your arms overhead and back down to your hips without moving your ribcage. Lie on your back with a head-pad for comfort. Find your neutral alignment. Rest your arms by your hips on your mat with your palms facing up. 


Reach your arms to the ceiling and then over your head. Feel your abs connecting your pelvis to your ribcage. Feel the muscles wrapping around your shoulder joints.


Circle your arms out to the sides of the room and down to your hips.

Repeat 5 times each direction. How do your shoulder’s feel after a few Arm Circles?

Wall Pushups

Try wall pushups to gradually develop strength around your shoulder and arm joints! Just stand two feet away from a wall. Find your neutral spinal alignment. Place your palms against the wall. Try to stay wide across your shoulder girdle and neutral at your neck.


Bend your elbows and bring your torso closer to the wall while counting to 3 slowly.


Straighten your elbows.

Repeat 3 times each day. Explore how different shoulder alignments feel and which alignment feels the easiest or hardest.
